BarcodeDocumentProcessor /config:"c:\config.xml"
If you specify no name in the command line, the program will search the folder where it is located for the file config.xml.
The configuration file is an XML file (see example).

It has the following nodes.
The mode to process documents in. See: Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 Possible Values 1, 2, 3, ...Example <activemode>2</activemode> |
Once launched, the program will be minimized to the tray. Possible Values yes, noExample <minimized>no</minimized> |
Start processing right after the program is launched. Possible Values yes, noExample <procAfterStart>no</procAfterStart> |
Close the program after processing is over. Possible Values yes, noExample <closeAfterProc>no</closeAfterProc> |
Show the program window or not. Possible Values yes, noExample <showWindow>yes</showWindow> |
The source folder where the image files to be decoded and processed are located. Possible Values directory pathExample <dir>c:\BarcodeProcessing\Source\</dir> |
The mask for selecting files. Possible Values File name, which can include wildcard characters, for example, an asterisk (*) or a question mark (?).Example <filemask>*.*</filemask> |
Delete source files once they are processed. A file will be deleted only if it will be successfully saved in the destination folder. Possible Values yes, noExample <delete>yes</delete> |
The interval (in seconds) the source folder should be checked at. If a file appears in the source folder, it will be processed. If it is set to 0, the source folder is not monitored. Possible Values interval in secondsExample <watchSource>0</watchSource> |
The destination folder files will be saved to after they are processed. Possible Values directory pathExample <dir>c:\BarcodeProcessing\Dest\</dir> |
The image format the destination file should be saved in. If it is empty, the source file format is used. If the destination file consists of multiple pages, it is always saved in the tiff format. Possible Values bmp, jpeg, jpg, gif, tiff, tif, png or emptyExample <fileFormat></fileFormat> |
Save the log file or not. Possible Values yes, noExample <saveLog>yes</saveLog> |
The full name of the log file (including the path). Possible Values full file nameExample <fileName>c:\BarcodeProcessing\Log\log_20080511.txt</fileName> |
The character separating values in the log file. Possible Values any charExample <fieldSeparator>;</fieldSeparator> |
The path to the error folder. Files with errors that have not been decoded will be saved to this folder. Possible Values directory pathExample <errDir>c:\BarcodeProcessing\Error\</errDir> |
What to do with a file that contains no barcode. Possible Values dest - move the file to the destination folderExample <action>error</action> |
If the destination or error folder already contains a file with no barcode that has the same name, this parameter determines whether this file should be replaced or a sequence number should be added to its name. Possible Values yes, noExample <replaceExisting>no</replaceExisting> |
Similar to the previous parameter, but it is applied to files successfully processed and saved to the destination folder. Possible Values yes, noExample <replaceExisting>no</replaceExisting> |
The character that will be added before the sequence number. For example, d829.jpg d829_1.jpg d829_2.jpg d829_3.jpg etc. Possible Values charExample <fileSequenceSeparator>_</fileSequenceSeparator> |
The enumeration of barcode symbologies that should be decoded. Symbologies must be separated by the ; character. Possible Values Code128, Code39, Interleaved25, Industrial25, EAN-13, EAN-8, UPC-A, UPC-E, Codabar, Code11, PDF417, Linear-Undec, PDF417-UndecExample <barcodeTypes>Code128;Code39;Interleaved25;Industrial25;EAN-13;EAN-8;UPC-A;UPC-E;Codabar;</barcodeTypes> |
It contains regular expressions the barcode should correspond to. The barcode must correspond to any of these expressions. If the /filter node is empty, no barcodes are verified. If a barcode does not correspond to any of the regular expressions, it is considered as unrecognized. Possible Values regular expressionExample <filter> <regex>\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}</regex> <regex>FH\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4,6}</regex> </filter>That the barcode must be like 701-151-1409, FH104-151-04001, FH987-151-040012, etc. |
The name that a file with an unrecognized barcode will have. Our barcode decoding SDK allows you to detect barcodes that are similar to a barcode, but that have not been recognized for some reason. Possible Values file nameExample <barcodeLinearUndec>Undecoded</barcodeLinearUndec> |
How many barcodes to search for on each page. Possible Values 1, 2, 3, ...Example <LinearFindBarcodesOnPage>1</LinearFindBarcodesOnPage> |