The EAN-13 barcode is a 13-digit barcode standard which is a superset of the UPC-A standard and is widely used globally for marking products often sold at retail point of sale. The unique 13-digit number encoded in an EAN-13 barcode is comprised of four parts: the number system, manufacturer code, product code, and a check digit. The first two digits are the number system, which often represent the country of origin of the manufacturer. The next five digits are the manufacturer code, followed by another five digits for the product code. The final digit is the check digit, which is calculated using a specific algorithm to validate the accuracy of the entire barcode number.
The design of an EAN-13 barcode includes a series of unique black bars and white spaces of varying widths that represent the numbers 0-9. These patterns are read by a scanner and translated into numbers. The EAN-13 barcode can only encode numeric data, and each number is assigned a specific set of bar and space patterns. This encoding scheme allows for quick scanning and decoding by a barcode reader, facilitating efficient inventory management and sales processing.
The EAN-13 barcode's structure is specifically tailored to aid in international commerce. The inclusion of a country code within the barcode allows for the identification of the product's country of origin, which is particularly useful in global trade. Moreover, the standardized format of the EAN-13 barcode ensures compatibility with systems worldwide, making it a versatile tool for businesses of all sizes.
Understanding the EAN-13 barcode is crucial for manufacturers and retailers as it plays a significant role in supply chain management, from tracking inventory to streamlining sales operations. The EAN-13 barcode's ability to encode a considerable amount of information in a compact form factor makes it an indispensable element of modern commerce.
Visit our website at www.BarcodeTools.com to generate this type of barcode.